
International tourism at Villa del Gombo

12 September 2024

4 minutes

In the year of Roots Tourism, Salty Music APS continues its commitment to supporting and strengthening the link between the communities of Italians in the world and their homeland.
In collaboration with the Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli Natural Park, Italea Toscana and Toscana Produzione Musica, presents Migrazioni Sonore 2024 – Alle radici, a wide-ranging cultural project, between the Marche, Tuscany, Belgium and Québec.
The project will arrive in Pisa on September 19, with a unique event of its kind: the reception of one hundred Italian-descendants from Québec, who will be guided on a journey of discovery of the musical, cultural and food and wine traditions of the area.
Perry Mazzanti, President of Casa d’Italia Montréal, Giovanna Giordano, Director of Casa d’Italia in Montréal and Fernando Spatolisano, Italian-Canadian tour operator of Bella Tours, will be present.

The program will start at 3 pm with a guided tour of the San Rossore Estate, an unmissable opportunity to explore the incredible natural heritage it holds and which will culminate with a visit to the Villa and the Gombo beach.
At 5 p.m., in the garden of the Villa del Gombo, Marco Calliari, one of the most famous exponents of Italian-language music in Québec, and Tommaso Novi, a Pisan singer-songwriter, will perform in a special tribute to Claude Barzotti, a Belgian singer-songwriter of Italian origins, loved both in Europe and in Québec.
Afterwards, a buffet will be offered to celebrate the excellence of the typical products of the area with beach honey and pine nuts from San Rossore, cheeses, deer and wild boar cured meats.
Each product will be described to allow you to discover curiosities, traditions and typical recipes.
An opportunity to rediscover authentic flavors and immerse yourself in the culinary richness of Tuscany.

Concert and buffet are open to the public: only 50 seats available.
Tickets € 15 can be purchased on “Sound Migrations – Marco Calliari meets Tommaso Novi“.
The ticket price includes the concert, the aperitif and the transfer by train from the Visitor Center of the San Rossore Park.
About Facebook @migrazionisonore.

«The beauty and uniqueness of San Rossore, from the natural environments to the architecture of the Villa del Gombo, passing through the products of the Park, deserve to be known abroad as well – comments Lorenzo Bani, President of the Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli Park – I thank the organizers of this initiative, which follows the 2023 concert by Tommaso Novi at the Villa del Gombo, whose images have gone around Canada”.
We continue a path of international tourism promotion, always careful to encourage a conscious and careful use of nature,” continues director Riccardo Gaddi. “The Park broadens its horizons – explains the vice-president Claudia Principe – a challenge that deserves to be taken”.
“Migrazioni Sonore is a project that has been going on for years it brings together artists from different cultures in every part of the world and was created to convey the importance of cultural contamination through the power of music – comments Daniela Di Tommaso, of Salty Music – Having brought such a conspicuous representation of Italian-descendants to the San Rossore Park and having made this unique synergy between art and the environment possible makes it all the more significant».

“We are happy to support Italea Toscana in this important event based on dialogue and the cultural roots of our country in 2024, the Year of Italian Roots. It is also thanks to the resourcefulness of people and territories that the Italea – Roots Tourism project, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, confirms itself as both an initiative for the relaunch and knowledge of the territories and an opportunity to strengthen the link with communities abroad,” he explains
Mariangela Dalfovo, Regional Coordinator of Tuscany and Liguria Italea PNRR Project Roots Tourism. “A strategic collaboration with Salty Music in the “Migrazioni Sonore” event in San Rossore, Pisa: this partnership was born with the aim of celebrating and enhancing the history of Tuscan emigration through music, a powerful vehicle of memory and cultural connection – he concludes Anna Duchini, vice president of Italea Toscana – Thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for creating the Roots Tourism project.
Today we are going together to design a unique opportunity to rediscover the roots and tell the journey of thousands of Tuscans who have brought their culture to the world.”

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